Samsung Dialer APK

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NameSamsung Dialer APK
PublisherSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Size25 MB
Latest Versionv15.0.42
Get it OnPlay Store
Update09 November 2023

If You Are Searching Samsung Dialer APK on Google. So Now Your Search is Over. Hello Friends, Welcome To Ocean APK. You Will No Longer Need to Visit Any Other Website to Download Samsung Dialer APK For Android 12 and 13.

Because In This Post, We Are Providing Complete Information About Samsung Dialer APK. And This Samsung Dialer APK Works 100% Because I’m Testing it On My Android Phone.

So After Reading This Article, You Should be Able to Easily Download Samsung Dialer APK Without Any Problem In 2023.

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What is Samsung Dialer APK?

Samsung Dialer APK is the default phone and contacts app that comes preinstalled on Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets.

What is Samsung Dialer APK

It provides the interface to make and receive calls and manage your contacts list. When you first set up your Samsung device, the Dialer app will be one of the main apps on your home screen.

Tapping the app icon will bring up a numeric keypad to enter phone numbers and make calls. During a call, it provides options to put the call on speaker, mute, add a call, and other functions.

The Dialer app integrates with your device’s contacts list and call logs. You can access your contacts to call people from your list directly.

Your call history is also recorded within the app to redial previous numbers. Contacts can be imported from Google, email accounts, SIM cards, and other sources.

You can also block numbers from the Dialer app to stop unwanted calls and enable WiFi calling.

There are settings to customize ringtones, enable hearing aids, and more. Visual voicemail support allows listening to voicemails directly within the app.

The Samsung Dialer APK provides a clean, easy-to-use interface for essential phone capabilities on Galaxy devices.

It simplifies making calls and organizing contacts. While basic, it includes useful features like blocking numbers, WiFi calling, voicemail, and accessibility options.

The app is optimized for Samsung devices and integrates with other Galaxy apps like Messages and Contacts.

Feauters Of Samsung Dialer APK

Samsung Dialer APK offers a range of advanced features that take your calling experience to the next level, such as:

Optimized UI

One of the notable aspects of the Samsung Dialer APK is its optimized user interface. Samsung has paid careful attention to the design and layout of the app, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

The interface is intuitive, making it easy to navigate and access the various features and settings available within the app.

Integration with Samsung Services

Samsung Dialer APK seamlessly integrates with other Samsung services and applications.

This integration allows for a more cohesive user experience, with features such as syncing contacts, call history, and settings across multiple Samsung devices.

By using this dialer, you can enjoy the benefits of a tightly integrated ecosystem.

Caller ID and Spam Protection

Samsung Dialer APK includes a robust caller ID and spam protection feature. This functionality helps you identify incoming calls from unknown numbers or potential spam callers, allowing you to make informed decisions about whether to answer or ignore the call.

With this feature, you can maintain your privacy and avoid unnecessary interruptions.

Smart Dialing

Finding and dialing contacts is made easy with this dialer’s smart dialing and search functionality.

Whether you remember the name, initials, or even a few digits of a contact’s phone number, the app intelligently searches and provides suggestions, ensuring quick and accurate dialing.

It saves time and eliminates the hassle of scrolling through long contact lists.

Visual Voicemail

Samsung Dialer APK integrates visual voicemail, making it convenient to manage voicemail messages directly from the app.

Instead of calling a voicemail number and listening to messages individually, visual voicemail provides a visual interface where you can see a list of messages, listen to them in any order, and even save or delete them as needed.

Call Recording

Samsung Dialer APK offers the capability to record calls, which can be helpful in various scenarios such as business meetings, interviews, or for personal reference.

Additionally, the app provides the option for call transcription, where the conversation is transcribed into text format, making it easier to review or search for specific information discussed during the call.

Optimized for Samsung Devices

Samsung Dialer APK is specifically designed for Samsung devices, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility.

The app is optimized to take full advantage of Samsung smartphones’ hardware and software capabilities, resulting in a smooth and seamless calling experience.

Regular Updates

As an official Samsung application, Samsung Dialer APK benefits from regular updates and ongoing support.

Samsung is committed to providing a reliable and secure user experience, which extends to their dialer app.

Using this dialer, you can expect timely updates and bug fixes, ensuring your calling experience remains smooth and hassle-free.


This dialer offers various customization options, allowing you to personalize the app according to your preferences.

You can choose different themes and layouts and customize call ringtones, ensuring that your dialer app reflects your unique style and enhances the overall user experience.

Conference Calling

Using the Samsung Dialer conference calling feature, users can fast create conference calls with other people.

This feature helps communication and collaboration between people, making business meetings and group discussions more convenient.

Call Logs

Call history logs all incoming, outgoing, and missed calls. Quickly redial previous numbers right from your call logs.

Call logs are integrated with your contacts list to see who called. Delete call logs individually or clear the entire call history.

Contacts Integration

A unified contacts list integrates accounts from Google, Outlook, SIM cards, and more. Contacts automatically synced from linked accounts and sources.

Search contacts by name or number using the search bar. Directly call or text contacts from your contacts list. Create and save new contacts directly within the app.

Powerful Search and Lookup

Begins searching contacts as numbers are entered. Also, reverse phone number lookup to identify unknown callers.

Samsung Dialer APK Download

As the default calling app on Galaxy devices, the Samsung Dialer APK provides an easy and reliable way to make and receive calls.

Samsung Dialer APK Download

It has a clean interface with large buttons that make it simple to dial numbers, even for those new to smartphones.

I appreciate how seamlessly it integrates contacts from multiple sources like Google, Outlook, and SIM cards into one unified list.

Making calls is very straightforward – you can start typing a name or number, and it will automatically pull up matching contacts.

Or you can scroll through your contacts list to tap and call someone directly. I like the thoughtful features during calls, like automatically reducing ringtone volume when you pick up and the option to switch to speaker or mute easily.

The call log reliably logs all incoming and outgoing calls so you can quickly redial if needed. Blocking unwanted callers is also easy to do right within the app.

Visual voicemail support means I can conveniently listen to voicemails without calling into my carrier.

One handy option is WiFi calling, which lets me make calls over WiFi when the cell signal is weak. For accessibility, there are options like hearing aid support, TTY mode, and font size adjustment.

So, what are you waiting for? Samsung Dialer APK Download right now.

How to Download and Install Samsung Dialer APK

  • First, You Need to Download Samsung Dialer APK from the download button.
  • After Downloading, You Need To Install It.
  • After Installing, Open and Enjoy It.

Final Words

Samsung Dialer APK is a feature-rich dialer app that enhances the calling experience on Samsung devices.

With its optimized user interface, and advanced features such as caller ID, smart dialing, visual voicemail, and call recording, this dialer stands out as a top choice for Samsung smartphone users.

By choosing Samsung Dialer APK, you can elevate your communication game, enjoy seamless connectivity with your contacts, and have greater control over your calls.

Embrace this exceptional dialer app and unlock a new level of calling convenience and efficiency on your Samsung device.

If you face any problems while downloading the Samsung Dialer APK, please comment below, and we will resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Remember to bookmark our blog Ocean APK for the most up-to-date information on this app.


Does Samsung phone come with Google dialer?

No, Samsung phones do not come with the Google Dialer app pre-installed. Samsung typically includes its own dialer app, known as the Samsung Phone app, on its devices.

Can I use Samsung Dialer APK as a replacement for my current dialer app on non-Samsung devices?

Samsung Dialer APK is specifically designed for Samsung Galaxy devices and may not function optimally on non-Samsung devices. It is recommended to use the default dialer app provided by the manufacturer of your device.

Can I update Samsung Dialer APK?

Updates will be available through the store if you have installed Samsung Dialer APK from the Galaxy Store.However, if you have installed it via an APK file, you must manually download and install the updated APK file from a trusted source.

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